2010 HQ20, Mars crosser
[upwards] [2010hq20_20100425] [2010hq20_20100424]
Minor Planet or Comet?
� 2010-04-25 by Bernhard Haeusler,
Maidbronn, Germany frozen on object
20 x 2 min. exposure,
2010-04-25 UT 01:34, 12" SCT
f-5.65 + CCD ST10XME HiRes
17.45 mag, FWHM of the object: 2.4

animation 20 x 2 min.

On the HiRes image with pixel size 0.814"/pixel a small
elongation in PA45 was visible.
One pixel = 0.815�
Tim Spahr of the MPC told me, even bigger telescopes couldn't confirm the
The object is determined to be a normal Minor Planet.

animation of the HiRes image is representing four different stages of histogram
processing, one pixel = 0.815�.
observation: computed with
OBS Bernhard Haeusler
TEL 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD
04NB001 C2010 04 25.06448 14 06 45.21 +46 25 41.1 17.6 N B82
04NB001 C2010 04 25.07458 14 06 44.37 +46 25 27.6 17.5 N B82
04NB001 C2010 04 25.08443 14 06 43.62 +46 25 14.9 17.6 N B82
Gauss curve produced by Astrometrica. The total PSF is using the
aperture circle of 3 x 3 pixel around the brightest pixel.
You see the Gauss curve right as the computed ideal line and the real pixels
contributed around the ideal line.
The Fit RMS is the deviation from the ideal line (inlay under the Gauss curve).
Orbital elements, computed with
Find_Orb from 19 observations:
Perihelion 2010 Apr 13.108888 TT = 2:36:47 (JD 2455299.608888)
Epoch 2010 Apr 24.0 TT = JDT 2455310.5 Earth MOID: 0.8070
M 2.49938 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.22948805 Peri. 111.94238 -0.84966788 0.20007662
a 2.64218155 Node 82.41968 -0.42371845 -0.80979285
e 0.3836260 Incl. 29.48451 0.31389034 -0.55154770
P 4.29 H 15.7 G 0.15 q 1.62857191 Q 3.65579119
From 19 observations 2010 Apr. 23-25; RMS error 0.388 arcseconds
# State vector (heliocentric ecliptic J2000):
# -1.343627228036 -0.593992377836 0.708765090769 AU
# 4.188973301004 -14.877466498960 -3.457484523694 mAU/day
# MOIDs: Me 1.2577 Ve 1.0083 Ea 0.8070 Ma 0.4095
# MOIDs: Ju 2.0376 Sa 6.0386 Ur 16.4938 Ne 26.5529
# Elements written: 25 Apr 2010 16:40:39 (JD 2455312.194896)
# Full range of obs: 2010 Apr. 23-25 (19 observations)
# Find_Orb ver: Mar 2 2010 18:03:42
# Perturbers: 00000000 (unperturbed orbit)
# Tisserand relative to Earth: 2.99188
# Tisserand relative to Jupiter: 3.11501
# Tisserand relative to Neptune: 11.85696

Photometry computed with
using the Multibox method:
OBS Bernhard Haeusler
10x10 20x20 30x30 40x40 50x50 60x60 SNR SB COD
TIME +/-
+/- +/-
+/- +/-
------------ ---------- --------
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
---- ---- ---
25/04/2010 01:47:19 17.32 16.76 16.31 15.91 15.57 15.21 5.7 18.7 B82
04NB001 25/04/2010 01:47:19*
0.08 0.16 0.31 0.43 0.49 0.49 5 2.6 CMC
FoCAs II - 07/01/2009-b
FOCAS II is a tool for photometry on the base of data coming
from Astrometrica. Focas is basically using the .LOG file of Astrometrica.
Explanation of the FOCAS II table headings:
Object, date and time are self-explaining.
10x10, 20x20 ... 60x60 are the measured magnitudes according to the aperture
sizes of photometry in arc sec (rectancle).
SNR is the
Signal-to-noise ratio for aperture photometry (calculator).
SB is the magnitude of the faintest star on the image matching with the used
star catalogue. This is not the faintest star of the image!
COD is the MPC Code of the
second line:
+/- are the precisions of the measurements.
N is the number of the used images for the measurements.
FWHM is the
Full-Width Half-Maximum of the total PSF: Measure of the seeing.
CAT is the used star catalog in Astrometrica.
Focas II is using the .log file of Astrometrica and is computing
the photometry under different apertures (10x10 ... 60x60).
The graphs are showing the astrometric precision of the images.

Focas II is using the .log file of Astrometrica and is computing
the photometry under different apertures (10x10 ... 60x60).
The graphs are showing the astrometric precision of the images.
http://astrosurf.com/cometas-obs/index_i.htm Visual and CCD
Observations and images from the "Cometas
Obs" mailing list, using the Focas II format
The Spanish comet observation group in Yahoo
[upwards] [2010hq20_20100425] [2010hq20_20100424]