
[upwards] [73p_20171001] [73p_20110303]

73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany

� 2017-10-01 by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany         

70 x 1 min. exposure, 2017-10-01 UT 23:27 - 00:51, 12" SCT  f-6.15 + CCD ST10XME
16.8 mag, tail: 10"  in PA 270    

MPC observation computed with Astrometrica:

OBS Bernhard Haeusler
TEL 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD


0073P         C2017 10 01.97887 02 55 21.78 +04 57 55.4          16.9 N      K87
0073P         C2017 10 01.98475 02 55 21.36 +04 57 53.6          17.1 N      K87
0073P         C2017 10 01.99064 02 55 20.97 +04 57 54.9          16.6 N      K87

Gauss curve produced by Astrometrica. 

Photometry computed with FoCAs 3.50 of Julio Castellano Roig, Spain using the Multibox method: (published on Cometas_Obs)

[upwards] [73p_20171001] [73p_20110303]


Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved