C/2006 S3 (LONEOS)
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Discovered by
LONEOS (Lowell
Observatory Near-Earth Object Search) on September, 19 2006.
latest IAU telegrams or the
latest CBET's.
Astronomical Headlines.
planet center's orbital elements and Ephemeris,
the comet on
Seiichi Yoshida's Homepage
curves on Cometas Obs,
JPL Small body

C/2006 S3 (LONEOS) �
by Bernhard Haeusler, 2010-08-20 B/W
22 x 3 min. exposure,
2010-08-20 UT 00:12 to 01:18, 12" SCT
f-6.532 + CCD ST10XME
16.25 mag, coma: 36", tail: 1'50" in PA 77�
The approved Northern winds brought pretty clear skies this
C/2006 S3 (LONEOS) �
by Bernhard Haeusler, 2009-09-13 B/W
3 x 5 min. exposure,
2009-09-13 UT 00:28 to 00:43, 12" SCT
f-6.532 + CCD ST10XME
17.16 mag, coma: 13", tail: 20" in PA 40�
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