2010 RF12 (Virtual Impactor)
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On the morning of September, 6 2010 I read in the YAHOU Minor
Planet Mailing List MPML a
live talk about the actual
After testing the position of one of them, I could easily take some images of
the object 2010 RF12 from my site.
Newest informations here: MPML
#24172 and
The asteroid is passing the Earth at
September, 8 21:12UT in around 79.000 km
distance. No impact will occur.
The body size is 6-14 meters in diameter. Here you find a
Calculator for possible crater sizes and energy sums.
Discovered by
Mt. Lemmon Survey at September, 5 2010
observations: MPC
JPL Small body
Impact Risc Summary of 2010 RF1, a site of the
Near Earth
Object Program (NASA)

2010 RF12 �
by Bernhard Haeusler, 2010-09-06 B/W image frozen on stars, in-built asteroid trail
93 x 30 sec. exposure,
2010-09-06 UT 00:53 - UT 01:52, 12" SCT
f-5.65 + CCD ST10XME
mag 18.1, velocity: 5.1"/min in PA 222
Animated trail of the asteroid is arranged from nine stacked 8 x 30 seconds exposures, image processing with CS3

2010 RF12 �
by Bernhard Haeusler, 2010-09-06 B/W image frozen on asteroid
93 x 30 sec. exposure,
2010-09-06 UT 00:53 - UT 01:52, 12" SCT
f-5.65 + CCD ST10XME
mag 18.1, velocity: 5.1"/min in PA 222

GIF animation 12 x (stacked 8 x 30 sec.) = around one hour in reality full size:
click on the images

This is the position of the asteroid at September, 6.0, two days
before its closest approach to Earth.

Orbit of 2010 RF12 relatively to the Earth's orbit plane.
Observations and Residuals of B82 Maidbronn
observation computed with
OBS Bernhard Haeusler
TEL 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.03902 22 57 18.87 +11 50 53.1 18.1 C B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.04300 22 57 17.58 +11 50 31.6 18.1 C B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.04676 22 57 16.36 +11 50 10.5 18.2 C B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.05028 22 57 15.16 +11 49 50.6 18.2 C B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.05402 22 57 13.93 +11 49 29.8 17.9 C B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.06133 22 57 11.64 +11 48 48.4 18.1 C B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.06488 22 57 10.51 +11 48 27.4 18.4 R B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.06842 22 57 09.40 +11 48 06.8 18.1 R B82
K10R12F KC2010 09 06.07195 22 57 08.27 +11 47 46.7 18.2 R B82
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