Object P10mvEP on the NEO
confirmation page on July,24+25 2015
NEO Apollo 2015 OA26 (M.P.E.C.
2015-O51 and 2015-O55)
[upwards] [2020 KJ4] [2020 FR3] [2019 VL4] [2018 NB] [2017 TF2] [2015 SA17] [2015 PC62] [2015 OH22] [2015 OA26] [2015 NS13] [2014 JO25] [2011 WN15] [2011 TG2] [2011 SO232] [2010 RF12] [2010 HQ20] [2010 AL30] [2009 ST242] [2003 UV11] [1999 FJ21] [1994 AW1] [KPT2010]
object was
discovered on
July, 23 2015
F51 Pan-STARRS-1, Haleakala and posted to the
NEO Confirmation Page
on July,23 2015
Earth MOID = 0.00066
AU ~ ca. 99,000km (Ref. JPL); 0.0008 AU ~ 120,000 km
(Ref. MPC)
The Apollo asteroid crossed the
Earth orbit unnoticed and five days before its detection on July,18 2015 11:19UT
in about 914,400 km distance.
(nearest Moon distance on July,17 23:25UT was 876,700 km). On the time of
closest approach, the magnitude of the object was about 16.5.
There is no close approach of the
object to Earth next decades --> check
JPL Small body
planet center's orbital elements and Ephemeris
See also the observation of
MD by Rolf Apitzsch and his analysis of the light curve of this asteroid.
The object has a significant
variability in photometric data. I could confirm this on the second and third night.
2015 OA26 � by Bernhard Haeusler, 2015-07-24 B/W
remotely from U69 Auberry, CA
30 x 30 sec. exposure,
2015-07-24 UT 08:21, 0.61-m f/6.5 astrograph + CCD

30 frames (30sec./frame) of 2015 OA26 � by Bernhard Haeusler, 2015-07-24

33 frames (30sec./frame) of 2015 OA26 � by Bernhard Haeusler,
2015-07-25 09:03-09:28UT.

30 frames (60sec./frame) of 2015 OA26 � by Bernhard Haeusler, 2015-07-26

The graphs are showing a significant decrease and increase of
magnitudes in the middle part of the exposures.
After three
observation days I estimate a period of about 30 minutes.
Here are the photometric data,
computed with MaxIm DL Pro 6:
Timestamp (JD), magnitudes:
UCAC3 171:278514, UCAC3 171:278462, UCAC3 171:278457, 2015 OA26
2457227.8486689813, 14.839, 14.706, 14.296, 19.557
2457227.8491550926, 14.858, 14.714, 14.278, 17.980
2457227.8498842590, 14.832, 14.707, 14.299, 18.328
2457227.8503587963, 14.834, 14.725, 14.285, 18.659
2457227.8508449076, 14.863, 14.696, 14.288, 18.227
2457227.8513310184, 14.840, 14.722, 14.283, 18.050
2457227.8518171296, 14.844, 14.717, 14.285, 18.493
2457227.8523032409, 14.855, 14.692, 14.295, 18.565
2457227.8527777777, 14.850, 14.701, 14.292, 18.757
2457227.8532523150, 14.850, 14.705, 14.289, 18.423
2457227.8539814814, 14.864, 14.716, 14.273, 19.088
2457227.8544675927, 14.841, 14.709, 14.291, 20.248
2457227.8549421295, 14.716, 14.743, 14.350, 18.938
2457227.8554398147, 14.846, 14.695, 14.299, 19.049
2457227.8559143520, 14.842, 14.706, 14.294, 20.981
2457227.8563888888, 14.846, 14.707, 14.290, 19.072
2457227.8568634260, 14.842, 14.712, 14.289, 18.995
2457227.8573379628, 14.836, 14.705, 14.298, 19.447
2457227.8578125001, 14.824, 14.725, 14.291, 18.910
2457227.8582870369, 14.841, 14.702, 14.296, 18.486
2457227.8587615741, 14.838, 14.716, 14.289, 18.884
2457227.8592476849, 14.850, 14.710, 14.286, 18.453
2457227.8597222222, 14.846, 14.698, 14.297, 18.697
2457227.8602083335, 14.848, 14.716, 14.283, 18.324
2457227.8606828703, 14.876, 14.705, 14.274, 18.314
2457227.8611689815, 14.852, 14.701, 14.290, 18.382
2457227.8616435183, 14.860, 14.692, 14.292, 17.860
2457227.8621180556, 14.843, 14.706, 14.293, 18.370
2457227.8625925924, 14.847, 14.698, 14.295, 18.061
2457227.8630902776, 14.850, 14.709, 14.287, 18.011
Timestamp (JD), magnitudes:
UCAC3 170:279794 , UCAC3 169:302438, UCAC3 170:279779 , UCAC3 170:279769, 2015
2457228.8776273100, 13.847,
14.444, 14.306, 14.033, 18.738
2457228.8782407400, 13.840, 14.449, 14.307, 14.037, 18.544
2457228.8787268500, 13.834, 14.453, 14.304, 14.043, 18.046
2457228.8792129600, 13.846, 14.440, 14.316, 14.030, 18.378
2457228.8796875000, 13.838, 14.447, 14.310, 14.039, 18.733
2457228.8801620300, 13.849, 14.445, 14.308, 14.028, 20.046
2457228.8807754600, 13.843, 14.436, 14.308, 14.042, 18.410
2457228.8812500000, 13.846, 14.438, 14.301, 14.042, 20.784
2457228.8817361100, 13.842, 14.438, 14.314, 14.036, 18.637
2457228.8822106400, 13.850, 14.443, 14.296, 14.038, 18.765
2457228.8826851800, 13.834, 14.441, 14.306, 14.051, 20.007
2457228.8831597200, 13.847, 14.438, 14.306, 14.037, 19.061
2457228.8836342500, 13.849, 14.458, 14.305, 14.021, 19.056
2457228.8841087900, 13.843, 14.439, 14.305, 14.042, 20.209
2457228.8845833300, 13.841, 14.441, 14.315, 14.035, 21.152
2457228.8850694400, 13.852, 14.447, 14.300, 14.029, 21.428
2457228.8855555500, 13.835, 14.448, 14.298, 14.051, 20.000
2457228.8862731400, 13.853, 14.430, 14.295, 14.045, 20.186
2457228.8867592500, 13.848, 14.447, 14.301, 14.033, 20.000
2457228.8872453700, 13.859, 14.431, 14.303, 14.029, 19.168
2457228.8878356400, 13.855, 14.438, 14.288, 14.042, 20.093
2457228.8883217500, 13.837, 14.431, 14.319, 14.044, 19.108
2457228.8890509200, 13.836, 14.448, 14.311, 14.039, 20.116
2457228.8895370300, 13.848, 14.451, 14.305, 14.028, 19.321
2457228.8900115700, 13.841, 14.460, 14.298, 14.036, 18.736
2457228.8904861100, 13.838, 14.448, 14.304, 14.043, 18.144
2457228.8909606400, 13.847, 14.430, 14.311, 14.039, 18.601
2457228.8914467500, 13.846, 14.446, 14.301, 14.036, 18.661
2457228.8921759200, 13.846, 14.451, 14.301, 14.033, 18.510
2457228.8926504600, 13.850, 14.441, 14.309, 14.029, 18.687
2457228.8932523100, 13.843, 14.452, 14.303, 14.034, 19.343
2457228.8937384200, 13.841, 14.439, 14.308, 14.042, 18.293
2457228.8942361100, 13.846, 14.443, 14.304, 14.036, 19.147
Timestamp (JD), magnitudes:
UCAC3 169:302063, UCAC3 169:302076, UCAC3 169:302081, UCAC3 169:302036, 2015
2457229.8181481482, 14.937, 15.517, 15.413, 14.577, 20.276
2457229.8191203703, 14.941, 15.526, 15.394, 14.579, 20.856
2457229.8199537038, 14.940, 15.550, 15.382, 14.575, 19.566
2457229.8209027778, 14.940, 15.529, 15.399, 14.577, 19.363
2457229.8218402779, 14.944, 15.534, 15.400, 14.571, 19.100
2457229.8226620369, 14.930, 15.523, 15.392, 14.589, 18.720
2457229.8234837963, 14.931, 15.515, 15.388, 14.593, 18.851
2457229.8243171298, 14.940, 15.546, 15.389, 14.574, 18.808
2457229.8251388888, 14.946, 15.520, 15.400, 14.575, 18.717
2457229.8260763888, 14.941, 15.534, 15.395, 14.576, 18.735
2457229.8268981483, 14.928, 15.544, 15.387, 14.584, 19.023
2457229.8312268518, 14.946, 15.524, 15.380, 14.583, 22.401
2457229.8320486112, 14.931, 15.515, 15.401, 14.588, 23.570
2457229.8328819443, 14.933, 15.533, 15.392, 14.583, 24.288
2457229.8337152777, 14.935, 15.551, 15.381, 14.579, 19.196
2457229.8345370372, 14.939, 15.532, 15.408, 14.572, 19.144
2457229.8353587962, 14.944, 15.508, 15.396, 14.584, 19.183
2457229.8361921296, 14.932, 15.532, 15.388, 14.586, 18.965
2457229.8370254631, 14.933, 15.537, 15.396, 14.579, 18.473
2457229.8378472221, 14.936, 15.519, 15.391, 14.586, 18.604
2457229.8386805556, 14.947, 15.514, 15.392, 14.581, 18.887
2457229.8395023146, 14.932, 15.538, 15.411, 14.572, 19.009
2457229.8405787037, 14.928, 15.519, 15.389, 14.594, 19.690
2457229.8414004631, 14.931, 15.521, 15.386, 14.592, 18.826
2457229.8422453701, 14.945, 15.536, 15.381, 14.578, 20.889
2457229.8430671296, 14.928, 15.542, 15.398, 14.579, 20.335
2457229.8438888891, 14.936, 15.527, 15.389, 14.585, 20.816
2457229.8449652777, 14.928, 15.546, 15.393, 14.580, 19.796
2457229.8457754632, 14.931, 15.539, 15.378, 14.588, 19.953
2457229.8466087962, 14.941, 15.543, 15.379, 14.579, 18.834
2457229.8474305556, 14.934, 15.510, 15.410, 14.583, 18.871
2457229.8483796297, 14.936, 15.537, 15.389, 14.581, 18.917
2457229.8492013887, 14.930, 15.523, 15.387, 14.591, 18.988
2457229.8500231481, 14.933, 15.538, 15.405, 14.574, 19.409
2457229.8508449076, 14.936, 15.533, 15.396, 14.579, 19.824
2457229.8517824076, 14.935, 15.523, 15.401, 14.581, 19.054
2457229.8526041666, 14.935, 15.534, 15.391, 14.581, 19.697
2457229.8534259261, 14.929, 15.541, 15.391, 14.583, 19.994
2457229.8542476851, 14.917, 15.527, 15.395, 14.596, 20.050
2457229.8550810185, 14.924, 15.530, 15.400, 14.587, 19.480
2457229.8559027780, 14.934, 15.514, 15.379, 14.596, 19.770
2457229.8567245370, 14.934, 15.531, 15.396, 14.581, 20.432
2457229.8575578704, 14.919, 15.542, 15.404, 14.583, 19.785
2457229.8583796294, 14.931, 15.549, 15.390, 14.579, 19.097
2457229.8648263887, 14.930, 15.530, 15.392, 14.587, 19.485
2457229.8659027778, 14.934, 15.534, 15.395, 14.581, 19.342
2457229.8667245372, 14.933, 15.525, 15.386, 14.589, 20.606
2457229.8676851853, 14.928, 15.518, 15.394, 14.592, 20.425
2457229.8686458333, 14.935, 15.531, 15.388, 14.584, 20.510
2457229.8694675928, 14.928, 15.531, 15.396, 14.586, 19.739
2457229.8703009258, 14.934, 15.523, 15.398, 14.584, 19.006
2457229.8711226853, 14.932, 15.535, 15.393, 14.582, 19.599
2457229.8719444443, 14.927, 15.526, 15.375, 14.599, 19.701
2457229.8729050928, 14.931, 15.535, 15.397, 14.581, 18.962
2457229.8737268518, 14.923, 15.520, 15.394, 14.595, 19.373
2457229.8745486112, 14.945, 15.526, 15.392, 14.577, 19.482
2457229.8753703702, 14.924, 15.526, 15.397, 14.590, 19.478
2457229.8762037037, 14.931, 15.516, 15.398, 14.589, 19.372
MPC observation data:
OBS B. Haeusler
MEA B. Haeusler
TEL 0.61-m f/6.5 astrograph + CCD
K15O26A (C2015 07 24.35104 22 05 15.52 -04 47 51.2 17.9 RcEO051U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 24.35614 22 05 13.37 -04 48 03.3 18.2 RcEO051U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 24.36092 22 05 11.36 -04 48 14.9 17.6 RcEO051U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 25.38021 22 00 04.96 -05 22 33.3 18.8 RcEO051U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 25.38569 22 00 03.17 -05 22 43.3 19.8 RcEO051U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 25.39160 22 00 01.28 -05 22 53.3 18.8 RcEO051U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 26.32216 21 56 32.74 -05 46 47.0 18.4 RcEO055U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 26.33377 21 56 29.79 -05 47 03.3 18.6 RcEO055U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 26.34267 21 56 27.51 -05 47 15.7 18.7 RcEO055U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 26.35130 21 56 25.30 -05 47 27.9 18.6 RcEO055U69
K15O26A (C2015 07 26.37410 21 56 19.42 -05 47 59.2 18.3 RcEO055U69
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