Apollo and NEO 2014
[upwards] [2020 KJ4] [2020 FR3] [2019 VL4] [2018 NB] [2017 TF2] [2015 SA17] [2015 PC62] [2015 OH22] [2015 OA26] [2015 NS13] [2014 JO25] [2011 WN15] [2011 TG2] [2011 SO232] [2010 RF12] [2010 HQ20] [2010 AL30] [2009 ST242] [2003 UV11] [1999 FJ21] [1994 AW1] [KPT2010]
object was
May,5 2014 from
Mount Lemmon
Survey and posted to the
NEO Confirmation Page
Earth MOID = 0.01148 AU
planet center's orbital elements and Ephemeris,
JPL Small body
Encounter between Earth and
asteroid 2014 JO25 on April,19 2017 in ~1.8 Million
kilometers distance (MOID: 0.117519 AU)

2014 JO25 � by P. Christoph Gerhard
OSB, K74 Muensterschwarzach Observatory, Schwarzach , Germany
2017-04-19 UT22:55:43 - UT23:05:57,
0.30-m f/3.75 Newtonian reflector + CCD

2014 JO25 � by Bernhard Haeusler,
Dettelbach, Germany
14 x
1sec. exposure,
2017-04-19 UT20:55:36 - UT20:56:57, 12" SCT
f-6.3 + CCD ST10XME,
10.5 mag
GIF Animation of 2014 JO25 � by Bernhard Haeusler,
Animation of 14 1sec. exposures,
2017-04-19 UT20:55:36 - UT20:56:57,
14seconds video time ≙ in reality ~ 1'21"

MP4 Video of of 2014
JO25 � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany, 1 minute duration, 47.888 KB size
with animation of 972 1sec. exposures,
2017-04-19 UT20:45:30 - UT22:21:07,
total observing time ~ 1h35m37s
MP4 Video in
Observations and Residuals of B82 Maidbronn
observation: computed with Astrometrica
(Herbert Raab, Austria)
COM Long. 10 10 xx.4 E, Lat. 49 48 xx.7
N, Alt. 228m
OBS B. Haeusler
MEA B. Haeusler
TEL 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD
NET Gaia DR1
K14J25O C2017 04 19.85705 13 34 53.94 +41 08 11.2 10.4 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.85785 13 34 46.34 +41 05 04.2 10.4 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.85869 13 34 38.23 +41 01 46.4 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.85919 13 34 33.39 +40 59 48.0 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86006 13 34 25.07 +40 56 25.1 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.85919 13 34 33.39 +40 59 48.0 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86006 13 34 25.07 +40 56 25.1 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86080 13 34 18.05 +40 53 30.8 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86117 13 34 14.56 +40 52 05.8 10.4 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86160 13 34 10.43 +40 50 24.5 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86218 13 34 04.92 +40 48 09.5 10.5 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86261 13 34 00.79 +40 46 27.2 10.5 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86305 13 33 56.68 +40 44 46.6 10.3 R XXX
K14J25O C2017 04 19.86398 13 33 47.84 +40 41 07.3 10.3 R XXX

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[upwards] [2020 KJ4] [2020 FR3] [2019 VL4] [2018 NB] [2017 TF2] [2015 SA17] [2015 PC62] [2015 OH22] [2015 OA26] [2015 NS13] [2014 JO25] [2011 WN15] [2011 TG2] [2011 SO232] [2010 RF12] [2010 HQ20] [2010 AL30] [2009 ST242] [2003 UV11] [1999 FJ21] [1994 AW1] [KPT2010]