NEO Planner V5.0 - NEOCP Check
Show changes -
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NEO Planner

All changes to the NEOCP since the NEOCP Check was last called up are listed
Objects that have been removed from the NEOCP or which have a provisional number
and a publication in an M.P.E.C. are also marked.
The new
provisional number is show in the del/new column.
The list can also be reduced to the current NEOCP objects in the Revise Window.
If the last observation of the object was longer than specified in the settings,
not seen is marked as red.
NEOCP Check has been
upgraded in the Show Changes Window by the option of sorting by object, score,
number of observations, Vmag, H, Arc, not seen,
Add / Update, R.A., Declination and Discovery date. The sorting enables a
listing according to preferences.
Changes in the columns compared to the previous NEOCP check are displayed
in dark red.
Show Log file Button
When calling Show Changes via the NEOCP Check Window or during
the Background Check, all changes to the NEOCP are logged.
Pressing the Show Log file button takes you to the display of the log.
Copyright: The
data comes from official access to web services from
whose origins are the tireless measurements of dozens of professional and
amateur observatories around the world